Cultural exchange between SD Muhammadiyah 4 Kota Malang in Indonesia and Trafalgar Primary School in Australia.

Promoting Indonesian Language and Culture to Australian Students through “Apa Kabar Tetanggaku?”

As part of the Pelita MUPAT program with the theme “From the East to the West,” Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School organized a virtual cultural exchange named “Apa Kabar Tetanggaku?” (How are you, my neighbor?), bringing together students from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School in Malang, Indonesia, and Trafalgar Primary School in Australia.


Miss Zakki, the english teacher of MUPAT and the event’s host, opened the event with a cheerful “Selamat pagi semuanya! Apa kabar?!” The students from both Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School and Trafalgar Primary School warmly replied, “selamat pagi Miss Zakki!”

Miss Zakki opening the cultural exchange activity between SD Muhammadiyah 4 and Trafalgar Primary School in Australia.
Miss Zakki and students from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School greeting students from Trafalgar Primary School in Australia.

The Enthusiastic Presentations

With a bright smile, Miss Zakki continued, “Today is a special day because we get to share the unique cultures of Indonesia and Australia. Through Apa Kabar Tetanggaku, we will get to understand each other better.”

The students from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School shared their experiences of cultural shock in Indonesia. They proudly introduced various regional greetings, the etiquette of using the right hand for respectful gestures, and the tradition of “air kobokan,” which is used to wash hands before and after meals.

Hanzala introducing greetings from various regions in Indonesia to students of Trafalgar Primary School in Australia.
Hanzala, a transfer student from India, promoted the friendliness of Indonesian society.
Aqela Delonix Yuwono demonstrating "air kobokan" to students of Trafalgar Primary School in Australia.
Aqela Delonix Yuwono reminded Trafalgar Primary School students not to drink the "air kobokan"

Likewise, the students from Trafalgar Primary School shared their cultural shock experiences from Australia. They enthusiastically introduced famous landmarks, unique wildlife, popular sports, and Vegemite, a well-known spread in Australia. The Trafalgar students even demonstrated how to prepare toast with Vegemite and butter.

Trafalgar students demonstrating the presentation of Vegemite layered bread.
Trafalgar Primary School students presented the art of making Vegemite sandwiches to Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School students in Malang
Miss Zakki and the students of SD Muhammadiyah 4 trying Vegemite layered bread.
Students from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School trying Vegemite and butter sandwiches

The primary aim of this activity was not only to strengthen the friendship between the two schools but also to introduce the Indonesian language to Australian students. Throughout the event, Miss Zakki and the students from Muhammadiyah 4 proudly incorporated Indonesian words into their speeches. The success of the exchange was evident through the immense interest shown by both parties. At the end of the gathering, the students pledged to maintain a close friendship between the two schools.

Students from SD Muhammadiyah 4 Kota Malang participating in a cultural exchange with a school in Australia.

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