Minister Muhadjir Effendy wearing a bright smile stands in the center. On his right and left, two bright students from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School, Anggun and Aby, are also beaming with happiness. They are engaged in an enthusiastic interview at MUPAT Library. Joyful laughter and smiles reflect the cheerfulness and excitement during this moment.

Minister Muhadjir Effendy’s Inspiring Visit to MUPAT Library: Empowering the Students of Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School

On June 18, 2023, MUPAT Library had the honor of welcoming a distinguished guest, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.AP. This visit marked a historic moment for Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School, Malang.

During his visit, he was warmly received by two young reporters, Anggun and Aby. One of Anggun’s questions to the Minister was about his motivation to become a minister and work towards helping children in Indonesia. In a heartwarming response, Minister Muhadjir asked Anggun and Aby about their own aspirations. Anggun aspires to become a policewoman to catch criminals, while Aby dreams of becoming a dentist to take care of his dental health. Their honest and innocent answers elicited hearty laughter and applause from the officials and stakeholders present.

Minister Muhadjir Effendy wearing a bright smile stands in the center. On his right and left, two bright students from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School, Anggun and Aby, are also beaming with happiness. They are engaged in an enthusiastic interview at MUPAT Library. Joyful laughter and smiles reflect the cheerfulness and excitement during this moment.
Muhadjir Effendy amused by the innocence of the young reporters from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School.

Minister Muhadjir encouraged the students of Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School to approach their studies with enthusiasm, never to give up, and to be courageous in facing challenges. He emphasized that seeking simple or easy paths would not lead them to become extraordinary individuals.

The Minister also praised the intelligence and courage of the children in interviewing a government minister. He appreciated the enthusiasm and honesty displayed by the young reporters.

Before leaving the MUPAT Library, Minister Muhadjir gladly autographed a poster held by Aby. With a heartfelt prayer, he wished for the aspirations and dreams of the students from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School to come true.

Minister Muhadjir Effendy wearing a bright smile stands in the center. On his right and left, two bright students from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School, Anggun and Aby, are also beaming with happiness. They are engaged in an enthusiastic interview at MUPAT Library. Joyful laughter and smiles reflect the cheerfulness and excitement during this moment.
A relaxed moment between Minister Muhadjir and the students of MUPAT.

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