A group of students from Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School, Malang, along with Chinese literature students from Brawijaya University.

Mandarin Blitz: Unraveling the Charms of the Chinese Language at MUPAT

MUPAT Library organized an intriguing event aimed at introducing Mandarin language to children. As part of Pelita MUPAT (MUPAT Literacy Week), the school library hosted the Mandarin Blitz on June 12, 2023.

The event was led by Chinese literature students from Brawijaya University. Utilizing audio-visual media, children were invited to learn in a fun and engaging manner. In no time, they grasped simple conversations, vocabulary, numbers, and family member names in Mandarin. The most exciting moment came when the children bravely introduced themselves and wrote in Mandarin in front of their peers. Their active participation and correct answers were appreciated with attractive rewards, including merchandise and snacks, further igniting their enthusiasm.

Children encouraged to confidently introduce themselves in Mandarin in front of their friends
Encouraging children to confidently introduce themselves in Mandarin to their friends.
Children pronounce Mandarin using hand gestures at Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School Library
Children learning Mandarin characters for numbers using their fingers.

Moreover, each child was provided with a worksheet to write Mandarin characters under the guidance of the university students. Enthusiastically following the instructions, the children wrote characters and were presented with bookmarks and stickers as tokens of appreciation.

Children recite school environment vocabulary in Mandarin at Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School Library, Malang
Children reciting vocabulary related to their school environment in Mandarin.

Farid, a third-grade student, expressed his excitement about today’s activities. He and his friends learned many new things about Mandarin. “I’m thrilled to learn Mandarin in such a fun way. Xie xie LÇŽoshÄ« Zakki, LÇŽoshÄ« Dzul, and the Chinese literature students from Brawijaya University,” he said.

Brawijaya University's Chinese Literature Students with Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School Library Staff
Collaboration between Brawijaya University's Chinese literature students and Muhammadiyah 4 Elementary School Library in enlivening Pelita MUPAT.

LÇŽoshÄ« Zakki revealed the essence of the event, stating, “The library aims to encourage children to explore the fascinating multilingual book collection at the school library. They can read captivating stories in Mandarin, learn Arabic characters, or discover other foreign language books according to their interests. We invite all children to join and explore a new world at the school library! Zàijiàn zài bié de jÄ«huì!” she concluded.


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