School Programs
We take pride in presenting a variety of programs aimed at strengthening and enhancing the quality of education for our students.
Sekolah Ramah Anak​
Every student is welcomed into a world of care and support. Our Child-Friendly School initiative creates a nurturing environment where children can learn, explore, and thrive. We prioritize their safety, emotional well-being, and holistic growth. With inclusive classrooms, engaging activities, and attentive teachers, our school becomes a second home where young minds blossom.
Sekolah Sehat
MUPAT prioritize the well-being of our students. Our Healthy School program promotes physical, mental, and emotional health. Through nutritious meals, regular exercise, and mindfulness activities, we cultivate healthy habits that last a lifetime. We’re committed to creating an environment where students flourish in every aspect of their lives.
Satuan Pendidikan Aman Bencana
Safety is a priority at MUPAT. Our Disaster-Resilient Education Unit empowers students with vital skills to confidently handle emergencies. Through practical training, they learn to respond effectively to various situations. We instill a sense of preparedness, ensuring their well-being and fostering a secure learning environment that prepares them for any challenge.
Sekolah Adiwiyata​
We’ve reached the status of “Sekolah Adiwiyata Nasional,” an acknowledgment of our commitment to environmental sustainability. Our Adiwiyata School program includes a range of initiatives that nurture our environment and promote eco-conscious citizenship.
Gerakan Literasi Sekolah
Reading opens doors to endless possibilities. Through the School Literacy Movement, we encourage students to cultivate a lifelong love for reading, enhancing their knowledge and creativity. Our annual event, Pelita MUPAT (Pekan Literasi SD Muhammadiyah 4), further strengthens our dedication to literacy. Additionally, we’ve established Reading Oasis and “sudut baca” (reading corner) in each classroom.
Pendidikan Antikorupsi
We’ve earned recognition for our efforts! Our lesson video on integrity has been appreciated by Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) during Rakornas in 2021. Our Anti-Corruption Education program instills ethical values and principles, empowering students to become responsible and honest individuals who contribute positively to society.